This is the 14th year of the Innovations conference!
It was incepted as a conference “For Doers, By Doers.” The “doing” in this case refers to implementing RtI concepts on a large-scale. The persons who attend this conference are implementers from across the country, many of whom have the longest-standing experience implementing RtI in practice. For RtI to survive and flourish nationally, these implementers’ knowledge and skills must become available broadly, and we must begin offering “skills” focused conferences to support dissemination of effective practices on a much larger scale. Much can be learned from written documents, journal articles and overview presentations. However, it has been the collective experience of participants in the Innovations Conference that the most can be learned directly from persons who are already implementing. Lessons can be learned about what works. Sometimes, however, the most important lessons to learn are about things that DON’T! The Innovations Conference has been filled with both.
Historically, the Innovations Conference has been a “by invitation only” experience. Individual state contacts were allowed to put together teams of 7 to 10 persons per state and attendance at the conference was kept below 200 persons each year. This is the third year that the conference has been opened up to a larger audience. Last year’s conference was extremely effective based on the feedback from participants. Registration for the conference will be strictly limited. Each strand has a maximum number of participants associated with it and registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. When a strand fills up, registration will be closed for that strand. Maximum registration for this conference will be 500 persons distributed across the 8 strands.
The conference committee is excited about this new direction for the conference. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact one of the persons on the conference planning committee.