Home: RtI Innovations Conference 2010 - Salt Lake City, UT


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Conference Features

How does this conference work? To date, most conferences dealing with RtI content have addressed information on what RtI is and how to get started. However, to do RtI within schools, there are specific skills that implementers must have. Indeed, there are far more skills needed than can be trained in any two-day conference. It will not be possible to train them all, so we will not try. Instead, the conference will begin with a keynote. Then, participants will break into seven strand groups. Each strand is designed to address a different facet of implementing RtI and is led by presenters with broad and deep experience implementing RtI. The training will be activity-based and there will be many opportunities for interaction with the presenters and other participants. Participants will receive a thumb drive containing materials and products in electronic format to use for application back home in their schools. Moreover, all conference materials from all strands will be provided to every participant.

Additional learning opportunities will be available in the form of open spaces conversations with national RtI leaders. Also, informal learning will be promoted by the networking with other implementers. This interaction is one of the most important features that Innovations is known for.

The following strands are available:

Strand 1: Implementing What Works at the BUILDING Level

Strand 2: Implementing What Works at the DISTRICT Level

Strand 3: Leadership for RtI

Strand 4: Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) and Academics: Integrating the Models

Strand 5: Scaling-up RtI at the STATE Level

Strand 6: RtI Coaching

Strand 7: Problem Solving RtI in Secondary Settings

Strand 8: Higher Education/Teacher Preparation Programs and The Implementation of Response to Intervention